Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Hypocritical Athena Swann on Poppy Day

Key Thought
It is anti-meritocratic that, after 6 decades of gender equality and opportunity, the existence of University organizations such as Athena Swann are considered justifiable. A pure meritocracy, free from gender (or any other) bias, is essential for the recovery of high academic standards in the UK.

Yesterday was Poppy Day. As the day drew to a close, after the parades and the services, there were readings from war poems written by those who survived long enough to immortalize their experiences and memories in words. The darkness, the despair, the ugliness and the pain were once more remembered. They were, without exception, young men.

Since the close of the 2nd World War, the UK has enjoyed voting rights for everyone,  universal health care, free education and from the swinging 60's, freedom in just about anything! In the last 70 years, the sky has been the limit if you wanted to rise.Then why are women in the West still demanding a leg-up for gender reasons?

Athena Swann is an organization that wishes to advance women in academia because women are apparently under-represented in academia. A head-count, however, will reveal we already have a plethora of female professors, vice chancellors and consultants. They were already present in my granny's generation. Considering, women were in the majority after the 2 World Wars, had already been employed outside the home in the War effort, and had equal rights to education, health etc., is it not hypocritical to promote them in today's day and age on gender?

I once overheard a conversation between two young ladies in a college of further education. This was in 2001. Education, they agreed was a bit of a bore and it would be so much easier to start up an infant and get put onto the top of the waiting list for housing. I do believe in a matter of a few months, these young ladies achieved their object, and were, the following year, seen proudly wheeling prams.

In remembering those who laid down their lives for others in the Great Wars, it is honest to recall their gender, their youth and their lost futures.

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